Spiritual Deceptions
Satan goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. What spiritual deceptions should we beware of? What does the Bible really say about doctrine?
The Law
Is the keeping of God’s immutable law legalism? Has God's law been changed or done away with? Many believe the law was made obsolete by Jesus's death on the cross. Jesus is truly "the same, yesterday, today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8). If God hasn't changed, do we still need to keep His laws? Learn about God's unchanging law and why it's still important today.
Forgotten History
History is sometimes covered up and twisted. If we fail to grasp its lessons, we are destined to repeat it, and the situation only worsens if it is manipulated and rewritten. Learn some forgotten history that's pivotal to understanding the Bible.
Jesus Christ
What did Jesus really do? The world uses His name as a swear word. Most are indifferent to what He has done and are unaware of what He is still doing. Yet He is the most important Individual that ever walked this planet. Don't be deceived by false Christs and lukewarm Christians.
Second Coming of Christ
When will Christ come again? Can we know when His second coming will be? What are the signs to watch for?
Understanding Spiritual Deceptions
As we journey through our Christian life, Satan endeavours to deceive us into believing lies so that we can fall off the path. But God has provided us with answers in His word so that we don't have to be deceived.
New Age Teaching the new generation of new age
Can Christianity and New Age teaching blend? Is it safe for Christians to integrate new age such as yoga with Christianity? Are Christians unsuspectingly mingling these two teachings?
Life After Death
What happens when you die? Does the Bible give us clear answers to this question?